What is QSL Card?
I'm getting into HF operating, and need to know how to make QSL card. What paper should I use to print it on? Computer program and printed by myself or use some place like printing shop? Lets read. The most important is the content of the QSL card, these matter make myself done a little research beside talking with friend who have done it and below is website i have found;"QSL is one of the Q codes used in radiocommunication and radio broadcasting. A Q code message can stand for a statement or a question. In this case, QSL means either "do you confirm receipt of my transmission?" or "I confirm receipt of your transmission". A QSL card is a written confirmation." QSL cards confirm either a two-way radiocommunication between two amateur radio stations or a one-way reception of a signal from an AM radio, FM radio, television or shortwave broadcasting station. They can also confirm the reception of a two-way radiocommunication by a third party listener. A typical QSL card is the same size and made from the same material as a typical postcard, and most are sent through the mail as such."


Beside, when i search at any search engine by typing "QSL Card" or plus "Nice QSL Card", there are many will pop up and proudly we can saw from our country and also the entire world. From there i have learn, what the ethic, important thing, bonus information, paper, writing style, font, size and attraction. Then hidden thing from evidence confirming QSO (the QSL card) is promote own country maybe the heritage, food, tourism and culture, and the truly is understanding each other. By the way, its many way to create and make the QSL card, it depends on ourself include money matter, spending time and so on.
On the card, add information relating to matters that we need to confirm that communication has been implemented. Each purpose must be easily understood and use language easily understood each other, often the English language. On the front page, preferably place photographs or any graphics that reflect our location, or something good for us to say. Things should be there on the back page of information such as name, callsign, address, location, name who has contacted the station, callsign, address, date, time, frequency, mode, report and application response or not. Also enter all the information that we use tranceiver, antennas and power transmission.
On the card, add information relating to matters that we need to confirm that communication has been implemented. Each purpose must be easily understood and use language easily understood each other, often the English language. On the front page, preferably place photographs or any graphics that reflect our location, or something good for us to say. Things should be there on the back page of information such as name, callsign, address, location, name who has contacted the station, callsign, address, date, time, frequency, mode, report and application response or not. Also enter all the information that we use tranceiver, antennas and power transmission.
Finally, i decide to get service from printing shop for better quality following my bad design. The finishing i write by myself the content to present genuine and originality from my heart to all. Below is my first series and second series QSL card with Heritage theme from my place.
